11 November 2005

It's been a while

So, I haven't updated in ages. I have a 10 pager to write right now concerning popular opinion in Estonia of the EU and the question of statelessness in the Baltics, so it seems like the perfect time to write here. Some things on my radar.

-Phil over at finlandforthought has a nice photo-table, if you will, and discussion about the 2006 presidential race in Finland. Halonen may've gotten a boost after Conan's endorsement, but only time will tell. You should check out his blog anyway- it's pretty awesome, twice so if you don't speak finnish.

-Brown will soon be gracing a TV set near you (provided you're near the US...). Beginning this Sunday Brown will again be featured on The Family Guy, and rumor has it that soon the OC (gasp!) will be coming to campus. Family Guy is pretty quality, but I will NEVER sell out to the OC! I like the little bit of soul I have left thankyouverymuch.

-Turning 21 ROCKED! Thanks to all my peeps who made it a memorable event.
Free Image Hosting at www.ImageShack.us
Now, back to the GCB with me!

-At your leisure, you should check out the plethora of info out there about the riots in France. If you're reading this, then you might especially be interested in the Bloggers arrested for inciting riots in their blogs (in French) article from Reuters. The event eerily coincides with the predictions one would expect considering the EU's double standard for addressing the problem of citizenship and integration of minorities in new member states. Brushing it under the table in the old member states seems to ultimately lead to... well.. riots. But France has never been really good at integration. They're more "lose yourself" to the French identity than trying to reconcile the two. Nonetheless, it may prove a picture of times to come.

Azerbaijan elections tainted, say international observers

-"Look! It's Godzilla! (the crocodile)

- Pat Roberson cetifiably insane

And just like that an hour has gone by. more eventually.

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