20 September 2006

Twice bitten drunkard bites back

And now for something that has ABSOLUTELY nothing to do with anything generally discussed here:

It sounds like a joke too removed from reality to warrant a laugh. So this guy gets on a train, right, and travels 7 hours cause he wants to see the panda's in beiging. He gets on the train and realizes that he's not so comfortable (maybe a bit of motion sickness), so he starts knocking back the beers. Four bottles later he decides it's nap time cause he's pretty toasted. He wakes up as the train arrives and rushes over to see the pandas. After such a trip he naturally decides a look isn't enough so he scales the enclosure gate and scurries over to give the panda a hug. As soon as he touches it the panda it becomes startled and turns and bites him on both legs. The man, angry at his teddy bear attacker, bites it on the back. The man is now in the hospital. The panda is continuing to eat bamboo and take long naps. Doh.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

four beers??? FOUR beers?? and over seven hours...now either, this guys a complete lightweight, or Finland turned me into an alcoholic...don't answer that one.