28 October 2006

Finns study the Midwest

Perhaps now somebody can better understand some of the things I was talking about when discussing my hometown and life in the midwest prior to Brown and my times in Finland. Päivi Järvinen was featured in [this] article as a member of a group of Finnish teachers who are taking part in a 2 week exchange program with peers in Illinois.

The article is rather disappointing when one looks at it. It completely leaves out the cultural exchange that is to be the product instead exotifing the Finn and Finnish life to an absurd extent. The Finnish place names are sometimes misspelt and the information exaggerated or blatantly wrong. Nonetheless, the fact that such exchanges are taking place is good to hear, and I would be interested in reading the reports that the participants make.

1 comment:

marishamunchkin said...

i've been to joensuu :-) !!....biggest waste of 3 days ever! lol