28 October 2006

Google Adsense-less?

Ok so one more post today then I seriously need to study for this exam and do some research. Google AdSense ads are popping up everywhere. They are kinda annoying, but for the most part pretty harmless. Their simplicity, at least, can be appreciated. When checking my email the other day, however, the ads google chose to show to me based upon key words that appeared on the email I was reading (in Finnish) were too ridiculous not to share. Normally it does pretty good about picking up on language and giving ads in the language of the page or at least suggesting products that will help you "Learn a foreign language." But come on! I don't think they're gonna find a person who wear's the stylish(?) Moi shoes and stays at Moi cottages who also is ordering Chinese car parts from Hei ignition distributor. Geeze... And there was a lot more to the message conversations than a simple "hi." Err... yeah!

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